Prof. Dr. Jehad ALZABUT
Prince Sultan University/OSTIM Technical University

Prof. Jehad Alzabut received his undergraduate degree from Middle East Technical University (METU) Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics in 1997. He completed his master's degree in the same department in 1999 with the thesis of "Oscillation of Delayed Impulsive Differential Equations". He received his Ph.D. degree from METU Mathematics Department in 2004 with his study on “Periodic Solutions and Stability of Delayed Impulsive Differential Equations”. He worked as a lecturer-assistant professor at Çankaya University between 2002-2007.

Since 2007, Prof. Alzabut has been working in the Department of Mathematics and General Sciences at Prince Sultan University in Saudi Arabia. Prof. Jehad Alzabut became associate professor in 2009 and professor in 2014. Prof. Alzabut served as the Head of the Department of Mathematics and General Sciences at Prince Sultan University between 2017-2020. In 2015, he became a Higher Education Fellow at the Higher Education Academy-United Kingdom-FHEA and received the "Professional Teaching-Learning Standards Framework" certificate. Prof. Alzabut has received various teaching awards many times throughout his career.

Prof. Alzabut focused on differential equations and their applications and achieved outstanding success by publishing more than 220 scientific articles in world-renowned journals. He has also won many awards and funds, such as the best researcher. These articles he published attracted the attention of many scientists in the international arena and were used in his research by Prof. Alzabut has received a high number of citations. Prof. Alzabut has served as a referee in many scientific journals and still works as the editor of some scientific journals. He was included in the list conducted by Stanford University, representing the top 2 percent of the most cited scientists in the world. This study covers research publications made up to the end of 2020.